I"M SICK! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT.... no I'm sure you can. XD
My immune system is generally high, so I don't get sick often. Once a year maybe... not even? *shrugs* who noes. I have been overworking myself and that tends to make the body crash and burn...
I'm what you call a work a-holic :D AND I DON'T EVEN HAVE A JOB YET. XD
So... What have I been up to... hmm...
First of all, I have been going to my new school, that gives homework out the wazoo... It's a performing arts school so what can you expect. No I'm not a music major. I'm a visual arts major.... who happens to be a multipotentialight. :D I can sing and dance and draw and play an instrument when I'm not sick lol X3
I have been working on background pixels for the game me and my buddy are making... ITS TAKING FOREVER TO MAKE BECAUSE I HAPPEN TO BE RUSTY AT PIXELS! nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
I have been making remakes or what you young ins call Remix.... (I'M ONLY 15 11/12 OLD!) <.< yeeeeaaah.
They tend to come out nice... not all of them.
But ya... thats it... I'm going to go over here and be sick XD
Like your music! Keep it up!
And get well soon, I guess. :P
Thanks TheMAM!
I will get soon. See its al-al-al *ACHOO* already going away XD