I sort of had the same problem with my comp when he had a virus or 2, so I was using my Laptop for awhile to make mixes with Reason and it would heat up so bad. Sometimes while I playing and if I had too much going on in the song, it would say something a long the lines of "Your computer is too slow to play this project." it was annoying as fudge. But yeah good, you'll actually remember your music ideas for later. I always forget to write lol
My laptop was old, had issues to begin with despite being a gaming laptop, and overall was showing signs of giving up. It was simply a matter of time.
That sucks,viruses are terrible. My mom's laptop can use the program without giving any pop-up error, just it burns up something horrid because her laptop is next to go out the door. I can't run any streaming video's or have too many things going at once. I'm currently trying to save up so that I can by a new alienware laptop to replace my dead one, but commissions are slow and nobody is hiring. ^n^;
I have about two notebooks so far of written music. One thing I know is that I'll have translate them all into piano because I can only read french horn music ;u; one thing I'm grateful for is that my mom decided to take on the charge of fixing my french horn so that I can actually play it again without whining about my third key being stuck XD which reminds me, I need to pick it up tomorrow from the music shop.
Aw man, what happened to your computer?
I sort of had the same problem with my comp when he had a virus or 2, so I was using my Laptop for awhile to make mixes with Reason and it would heat up so bad. Sometimes while I playing and if I had too much going on in the song, it would say something a long the lines of "Your computer is too slow to play this project." it was annoying as fudge. But yeah good, you'll actually remember your music ideas for later. I always forget to write lol
My laptop was old, had issues to begin with despite being a gaming laptop, and overall was showing signs of giving up. It was simply a matter of time.
That sucks,viruses are terrible. My mom's laptop can use the program without giving any pop-up error, just it burns up something horrid because her laptop is next to go out the door. I can't run any streaming video's or have too many things going at once. I'm currently trying to save up so that I can by a new alienware laptop to replace my dead one, but commissions are slow and nobody is hiring. ^n^;
I have about two notebooks so far of written music. One thing I know is that I'll have translate them all into piano because I can only read french horn music ;u; one thing I'm grateful for is that my mom decided to take on the charge of fixing my french horn so that I can actually play it again without whining about my third key being stuck XD which reminds me, I need to pick it up tomorrow from the music shop.